Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Factory Workers In China

Many companies struggle with paying attention to their factory worker employees. They are the most mistreated staff in companies; they are paid the lowest wages to do the most labor, they work in horrible work conditions, they work long hours without breaks, they don’t receive incentives and they don’t get promotions. However, they produce the product that is being sold and they are giving all the unwanted work that the CEO’s won’t do.

Worldwide there are many different standard working hours. This hours refer to the amount of hours one can work per day, per week, per month or per year. In many countries these hours vary from 40-44 hours with the option to work about 16 hours of overtime. If someone is forced or ask to work over 44 hours than it is against most labor laws. So they don’t have to work the additional hours if they don’t want to.

In China, there are factories that house workers for the Apple products. These workers are being mistreated. They are working almost 12 hour shifts every day to cumulate a minimum average of 55 hours per week. They receive an hour lunch break which they spend a good amount of it sleeping because they are exhausted from sitting or standing for about 5-6 hours straight. Then they are require to finish their last part of their shift doing the same thing regardless if they ate or not. Though they are receiving housing in the factories it’s still unfair to workers because they are paying to live there. Not to mention they still pay to also eat there. Outside of their job, the workers don’t have a daily life. They are monitor by the higher staff when they aren’t working.

This is cruel and unusual punishment for the workers at these factories. They are living at their work place which don’t allow them to be free because they are being monitor when they aren’t working. Image not being able to see your family because you are working long hours to provide for them. That’s what these work experience every week until they opt out. Which is kind of impossible because they need to work in order to provide for their family.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Middle East Military

In most countries the military is the strongest force one possess. Their job is to protect and defend the country in which they serve. They are authorize to use deadly weapons in an act of defense, war, or any other harmful event the country may encounter. In the Middle East, there is a lot of corruption inside of the governance in which the military has to step in. The military is usually under the commands of the leader of the country but in some instances they have rebelled because of the autocratic regime.
For instance, in Tunisia and Egypt in 2011, the military didn’t support the president and sided with the population. While on duty officers left their post to show the government that their protection lies in favor of the people. This is what some may call disloyal officers. But, they were doing what they believe in what was right. Many found it not shocking because of the lack of sectarian divided in the Muslim population.
Similar, to the Tunisia and Egyptian military the Syria military felt the same way. President Bashar al-Assad ordered his troops to crack down on Syrian protesters because they were out of control in his eyes. Some troops felt that “cracking down” was going to be using too much force against the protesters. And others sided because they orders are to follow what their leader demanded.
As you can see, the Middle East Military needs to be rebuild or it will result in a revolution. The leaders of Middle East have a strong ability to control what happens in their country and the citizens dislike that. They need to have a check and balance in place. This will ensure that the power of the leader will be limited because “everyone” will have a say so in what happens in the government. But if it continues to just be an autocratic government the Middle East will end in a bloody massacre. The citizens and disloyal units of the military will fight the loyal units which will cause chaos and deaths.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Democracy in Latin America

Latin America covers the Mexico and South America regions. Some parts are undergoing democracy leadership and others parts are still in oligarchy. This area endures many hardships and challenges. They suffer from corruption, lack of security, severe scarce resources, rough economic distribution, crime and many other political problems. Adapting a democracy style leadership in all parts of the region will spark something good. It will bring opportunity, different perspectives in the government and allow the government choices to be in favor of all citizen’s demands and put an end to patrimonialism. The hope of the new democracy system will balance out the power and rigorous encounters in Latin America.
The transition from the governance will be a tough one. They will have to work both effectively and efficiently for this system to work. The beginning will be under developed because they will be testing a lot of new laws and regulations. This will concern the people because at first it will not feel like there is a change in the government. But as the country develop they will recognize the adjustments in time. Similar to the US, in Obama’s first term. It felt as though he didn’t make a change or get anything accomplish he claim he would do. But, in his second term you would recognize that he help lower unemployment rate, assisted in getting citizens medical coverage, help reduce oil and gas prices and many other great things. So in order to see if the democracy will be effective in Latin America, the people will have to understand it will take time.  
Currently in the Latin America population there’s about 33% living under the poverty line. That’s about 1/3 of the population. This will affect the democracy leadership because it will already cost a fortune to build a government that will help the people and while doing so the government will still have to provide for the poor. Imagine cutting back on expenses to build a new house. But also, having to take care a new baby. It will only dispute the funds that you are trying to save. The Latin America region is hoping for fairness and it is soon to come. Although, it will take time and there will be lots of hardships on the way.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Down Goes Syria

The Syrian Civil War is an enduring problem between the Syrians and their government. The Syrians feel that their President Bashar al-Assad is unjust. The people of Syria are being mistreated. They don’t receive the proper healthcare, housing, or water necessary needed to survive. This is cruel and unusual punishment towards the Syrians. Other countries need to step in and help protect the people of Syria. They need to help destroy the Syria government system they have and rebuild their system from the bottom. This would take time but it will be worth helping save the lives of the remaining citizens.
Due to the war there have been thousands of lives taken and many others suffer from injuries. The war is already destroying this country. If it continue then there would be nothing left. The people of Syria are now living in fear. They are afraid to step out their houses to go to work, to go to school or to even participate in any activities outdoors. This is torture. Imagine not being able to step out the house because you are afraid that you will die from the government. That’s harsh. How do they eat? Sleep? Or even live in such an environment.
Even though the citizens are afraid to step out doors. They did make it out one day to walk the streets of Syria holding a banner saying “Our peaceful revolution is still in process” and “A revolution is an idea, and ideas cannot be killed.” The people are saying that all the violence is unnecessary to control us, all we want is justice. I would agree because right now it sounds as if they are living like savages. Some of the things that are happening in their country reminds me of the US civil war and the holocaust. For instance, there have been orders to barrel bomb, airstrikes on hospitals, round-up and rape, torture and murder detainees.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Rise of Africa Economics

Africa is the world’s second largest continent. It’s human population is around one billion people. Their government impose laws that only harm the people in poverty. In order to better this continent the government must recognize that they are the issue and adapt new policies. These new policies are hope to better trade and investment, the economic growth and sustainability rate increment in Africa. As of now, Africa lacks the resources needed to sustain the country’s welfare.
 Comparable to other parts of the world, Africa income is pitiful. In the poorer areas of Africa the people are living off of $1.25 per day. That’s not even enough money to purchase a bottle of water in the US. Imagine if you were put in a situation where your family is living off that much money each day. It would be hard to survive. Their government needs to focus on how they can built homes or provide jobs for those people to earn more money. Also they need to figure out a way for the continent to receive more funds or they need to spend their funds to better the poorer areas so they can be more successful as a whole.

An addition to the African income being pitiful, there’s also a problem with their aid. Yes, “African countries have also seen dramatic falls in infant and child mortality. Since 2005, some African countries, such as Senegal, Rwanda, Uganda, Ghana, and Kenya, have seen child mortality decline by an annual rate exceeding 6 percent.” But that don’t account for the other billions of people in the country that need health assistance. If the country could provide healthcare or open up more hospitals than maybe the mortality rate will decline even more. The lack of resources really harms this area of the world.
 Africa demographics have better in the last decade. “Africa’s poverty rate will fall to 24 percent by 2030.4 Since 1990 the per-capita caloric intake in Africa increased from 2,150 kcal to 2,430 kcal in 2013. Between 1990 and 2012, the proportion of the population of African countries with access to clean drinking water increased from 48 percent to 64 percent.” These number sounds great. But they are only words. If Africa government remains stubborn and don’t implement a plan to acclimate policies than they will remain in the same state that they are now. Yes, there are changes that need to be made in Africa that only the government themselves will have to fix.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

China Economic Crisis

China is ran under a dictatorship, led by Mao Zedong, leader of the Communist Party. Being an authoritarian country, they restrict their citizens’ activities, job opportunities, education and rights. For many decades the citizens of China were prohibited to conceiving more than one child, recently that have changed. The people of China are now allowed to consider a second child. This policy have not affected many people of China because they are accustom to the one child policy life style. The people of China are used to living and caring for one child, that a second child would only cause more financial problems. This limits the amount of production in China.
In comparison to the US, the Chinese people have more of a widespread unemployment rate, income inequality, inequality as citizens and they live in more poverty. In China, they have sweatshops that all age children work in. This means that you can start working at any age you are capable of comprehending the task at hand. Also, they have limited jobs opportunities, so everyone is fighting to get into the same place. Otherwise, they are pack in one location or factory to work long hours under horrible conditions. This leads to an economy where there’s a lot of output but no input. The people of China are only consuming goods that is necessary for their family to survive and everything else is useless.
For instance, the Foxconn factories in china limit their workers to having a life outside of their job. Also, they have to pay to work in these atrocious conditions. “They keep their employees in overcrowded dormitories run by military-like security forces. People work excessive hours, often with no compensation for overtime, which the company claims is done voluntarily. Management controls every aspect of workers’ lives, interfering with their privacy. The concept of privacy is even an illusion, as up to 24 people share a room in huge blockhouses.” This type of lifestyle can make a person very depressed. It’s not healthy for the Chinese citizens or anyone else. The people who work in the Foxconn industry are basically paying to work in confinement. They are on a time schedule and are supervised throughout the week. Even when they aren’t working.
In addition, in Beijing there’s an excess industrial production problem that affects the economic reform. The government is bringing in products that aren’t currently being used. So, factories are getting shut down and the demand for those products are lessening. The people of China are getting fired from their jobs, so they are consuming less products. Which is causing the government to get rid of the surplus. The government also realizes that this will harm the revenue of China. So, they are making excuses to why production have slowed down. But the real reason is because they care less about their people demands and more about profit.   

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

China's Two Child Policy

Many may argue that they should not be prohibited to having two children. But, China feels otherwise. About thirty years ago the Communist Party passed a law that was extremely harsh. Their citizens were only allow to have one child, preferably a little boy. The Communist Party believe that this would be the best way to control the population and demographics in their country. They realize that it didn’t solve much but they did see a fertility decline. Five years after passing the one child policy, the county, Yicheng figure that one more child wouldn’t hurt. So they passed a law that allow the citizens to have two children. Mr.Liang Zhongtang of the Shanxi Academy of Social Sciences hoped it would become national in 2000. But it didn’t. It wasn’t brought to many attention until 2010. Three years later is when the two child policy law was granted. "When China relaxed its policy in 2013, allowing people who were only children to have a second child, only 12% of those eligible applied." The Chinese people were so govern to only having one child that when the two child policy was in place it didn't really have an effect on whether they wanted a second child. How would you feel if you were only limited to having a certain amount of children. And if you were to have more than one or two children you could be fine or at risk of losing your job? That's imbalanced and no justice for the Chinese. They are imprisoned by their own government. If the US was to adapt a policy of such nature, there would be chaos everywhere. I can say that the one child policy does allow the government to control what is going on in their country. It can help control unemployment, funding problems, poverty, over population, and many more issues. On the other hand, it is a violation of the people’s right, it would be hard on the one child, and abortion rates will rise. With the two child policy in place the younger children, who can also be considered the boomers, can help take care of the elders in the country.