Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Democracy in Latin America

Latin America covers the Mexico and South America regions. Some parts are undergoing democracy leadership and others parts are still in oligarchy. This area endures many hardships and challenges. They suffer from corruption, lack of security, severe scarce resources, rough economic distribution, crime and many other political problems. Adapting a democracy style leadership in all parts of the region will spark something good. It will bring opportunity, different perspectives in the government and allow the government choices to be in favor of all citizen’s demands and put an end to patrimonialism. The hope of the new democracy system will balance out the power and rigorous encounters in Latin America.
The transition from the governance will be a tough one. They will have to work both effectively and efficiently for this system to work. The beginning will be under developed because they will be testing a lot of new laws and regulations. This will concern the people because at first it will not feel like there is a change in the government. But as the country develop they will recognize the adjustments in time. Similar to the US, in Obama’s first term. It felt as though he didn’t make a change or get anything accomplish he claim he would do. But, in his second term you would recognize that he help lower unemployment rate, assisted in getting citizens medical coverage, help reduce oil and gas prices and many other great things. So in order to see if the democracy will be effective in Latin America, the people will have to understand it will take time.  
Currently in the Latin America population there’s about 33% living under the poverty line. That’s about 1/3 of the population. This will affect the democracy leadership because it will already cost a fortune to build a government that will help the people and while doing so the government will still have to provide for the poor. Imagine cutting back on expenses to build a new house. But also, having to take care a new baby. It will only dispute the funds that you are trying to save. The Latin America region is hoping for fairness and it is soon to come. Although, it will take time and there will be lots of hardships on the way.

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