Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Middle East Military

In most countries the military is the strongest force one possess. Their job is to protect and defend the country in which they serve. They are authorize to use deadly weapons in an act of defense, war, or any other harmful event the country may encounter. In the Middle East, there is a lot of corruption inside of the governance in which the military has to step in. The military is usually under the commands of the leader of the country but in some instances they have rebelled because of the autocratic regime.
For instance, in Tunisia and Egypt in 2011, the military didn’t support the president and sided with the population. While on duty officers left their post to show the government that their protection lies in favor of the people. This is what some may call disloyal officers. But, they were doing what they believe in what was right. Many found it not shocking because of the lack of sectarian divided in the Muslim population.
Similar, to the Tunisia and Egyptian military the Syria military felt the same way. President Bashar al-Assad ordered his troops to crack down on Syrian protesters because they were out of control in his eyes. Some troops felt that “cracking down” was going to be using too much force against the protesters. And others sided because they orders are to follow what their leader demanded.
As you can see, the Middle East Military needs to be rebuild or it will result in a revolution. The leaders of Middle East have a strong ability to control what happens in their country and the citizens dislike that. They need to have a check and balance in place. This will ensure that the power of the leader will be limited because “everyone” will have a say so in what happens in the government. But if it continues to just be an autocratic government the Middle East will end in a bloody massacre. The citizens and disloyal units of the military will fight the loyal units which will cause chaos and deaths.

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